Thursday, November 1, 2012

Colors - Co-creators of this world we know!

We are all the artisans of flow
Co creators of this the world we now know
As such the task we each share
Is preparing ourselves to show we still care 
About one another and all that we are
Every ounce of energy from here to the stars
No longer can we pretend to be alone
Nor ignore all the wisdom we're always being shown...C3

We are all the artisans of flow
Co creators of this the world we now know
As such the task we each share
Is preparing ourselves to show we still care
About one another and all that we are
Every ounce of energy from here to the stars
No longer can we pretend to be alone
Nor ignore all the wisdom we're always being shown...

Rodolfos Eleftheriadis - Ron Alexander ~ Thank you my friend for the pct and coment! You are touching the essence of Life from here to the stars. We are not alone, except in the limited small minds of some. After all we are embraced by Mother Universe!

The Light of Universal Love is pure white in the hearts of enlighten; colors are its frequencies according to an individual heart & mind before enlightenment, before the small ego melts into the Ocean of Being. Love Unites...Rodolfos Eleftheriadis

UDJAT EYE ~ Ancient Egyptian amulet.
Metaphysical Symbolism

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