Friday, November 9, 2012

The Superglue of Life

An apology is the superglue of life. It can repair just about anything.
Lynn Johnston(
 I use ancient Ho'oponopono Prayer:
I apologize, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.
Love your enemies," a great sage said more then two thousand years ago. Our enemies are our memories replaying fear, anger, resentment, hate, attachments and judgment from the past. We can take 100% responsibility for them by applying easy to use ancient Ho'oponopono problem solving processes such as "I love you" and "Thank you."I highly recommend THE EASIEST WAY TO LIVE by Mabel Katz

~ Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len

In THE EASIEST WAY TO LIVE, Mabel (Kikiko'ele) shares insights on
"the easiest way to live." I got the following from her book:
(This amazing book is wise, loving, heavenly and healing.A spiritualmasterpiece.
~ Dr. Joe Vitale,
author of Zero Limits and The Key)

 I am GOD-MADE, created by Divine Love in its exact likeness, "pure in heart;"
My ONLY PURPOSE in life is to be myself, "pure in heart;"
My ONLY TASK in life is to release memories – errors – replaying problems in my subconscious from my past that block me from being myself, "pure in heart;"
By applying the ancient HO'OPONOPONO problem solving process I can petition Divinity to restore me to my original state of "purity of heart" by releasing my memories to zero;
I am 100% RESPONSIBLE for creating the memories stored in my subconscious mind that I
re-experience as problems;
I have CHOICE moment to moment to restore my original state of "purity of heart" by applying the ancient Ho'oponopono problem solving process ceaselessly, moment to moment, and
No problems exist outside of me. My problems exist only in me as MEMORIES REPLAYING in my subconscious mind.
Our only purpose for existence is to restore our original state of "purity of heart" by freeing ourselves from memories replaying problems from the past in our subconscious mind.
"Love your enemies," a great sage said more then two thousand years ago. Our enemies are our memories replaying fear, anger, resentment, hate, attachments and judgment from the past. We can take 100% responsibility for them by applying easy to use ancient Ho'oponopono problem solving processes such as "I love you" and "Thank you."
I highly recommend THE EASIEST WAY TO LIVE by Mabel Katz
~ Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len


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