Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Love is all you Need, as Love Never Fails!

Cover Photo
Anonymous said...
It is good to remember to show your love to the ones who love you daily. Those who love you in all the normal boring day to day chores. Those who see the good side and the dark side as the hours pass. The crowd loves us as we are passing by. The crowd does not come to aide. Nothing is stable in the crowd.
November 28, 2012 10:52 PM

Bloggercaptron said...
I am pretty sure I know who you are, and to love another, one needs to trust this person. Respect has to be garnered by being integral,and not using the other person to get your needs met.
Relationships to be whole takes two whole people - not one who takes, takes and does not give to the relationship - the difference between a careTAKER & a careGIVER.

Anonymous said...
We have not met, Ron. Your postings have showed a gentle side and I appreciate them. If one speaks so highly of love for all, how can one claim it is only for "whole people"? Do you not believe love heals all and maks us "whole" when we parter with another? This give and take, respect and trust are all mental attachments to the pure love element.
November 29, 2012 6:29 AM

Bloggercaptron said...
Good feedback Anonymous - I certainly take the unconditional out of love when I stated that, I found out you were not the person I thought you were, and I am very grateful of this dialogue - very helpful in my relationship! Please keep responding...

Well, it looks like "Anonymous" is not the person I thought she(he) was - however grateful for startup of dialogue!
Anonymous said...
No interest in being a relationship doctor from me. I am perfect flawed human in forgiving coupling with my human Beloved. Not whole, yet, not looking to separate from the high and low that gives divine balance and all meaning to life. Can you see the balance of high and low equates give and take and equates respect given and received! Your relationship longer than 12 months? It is a success! for the path has not been perfect, correct? You two have seen high and low, correct? You love beyond words of love, correct? What are you worried about, then? Allow for mind to rest and accept that someone cares that much for/about you in this big planet
Really appreciate this feedback Anonymous (oh, "caregiver" & "caretaker" are used interchangably over hear - for nursing - I really see a big difference between "giving care" and "taking care" though.
really like - You two have seen high and low, correct? You love beyond words of love, correct? What are you worried about, then? Allow for mind to rest and accept that someone cares that much for/about you in this big planet   Thank you Anonymous!


  1. It is good to remember to show your love to the ones who love you daily. Those who love you in all the normal boring day to day chores. Those who see the good side and the dark side as the hours pass. The crowd loves us as we are passing by. The crowd does not come to aide. Nothing is stable in the crowd.

  2. I am pretty sure I know who you are, and to love another, one needs to trust this person. Respect has to be garnered by being integral,and not using the other person to get your needs met.
    Relationships to be whole takes two whole people - not one who takes, takes and does not give to the relationship - the difference between a careTAKER & a careGIVER.

  3. We have not met, Ron. Your postings have showed a gentle side and I appreciate them. If one speaks so highly of love for all, how can one claim it is only for "whole people"? Do you not believe love heals all and maks us "whole" when we parter with another? This give and take, respect and trust are all mental attachments to the pure love element.

  4. Good feedback Anonymous - I certainly take the unconditional out of love when I stated that, I found out you were not the person I thought you were, and I am very grateful of this dialogue - very helpful in my relationship! Please keep responding...

  5. May I insert this:
    Words have power in all cases. Mindfulness puts us in-mind of our thoughts and words used when writing or speaking. Caretaker is our British word for this the "paid" position this partner is in? If so viewed in the terms of caring versus monetary, does this give you lack of respect for them accepting the position?
    Caregiver is an "unpaid" (loving) situation. The stress from both jobs is unhealthy and limits any exterior activities because of that stress of watchfulness or protection of their own heart.
    If a caregiver, is there returned ( given now, not a promise of future ) equal interactin? If a caretaker, has the payment equaled living wage for all services offered, along with the same affection in equal value which is the jist of "relationship".

  6. No interest in being a relationship doctor from me. I am perfect flawed human in forgiving coupling with my human Beloved. Not whole, yet, not looking to separate from the high and low that gives divine balance and all meaning to life. Can you see the balance of high and low equates give and take and equates respect given and received! Your relationship longer than 12 months? It is a success! for the path has not been perfect, correct? You two have seen high and low, correct? You love beyond words of love, correct? What are you worried about, then? Allow for mind to rest and accept that someone cares that much for/about you in this big planet

  7. Back here to www after snow and weather locally. You have still posted compassionate, brilliant combinations of word and photographes. Love in your flat must 'take the biscuit' -- fills it up and run out under the door. You are still concerned with your relationship with your Beloved as before? I do say relax into the bigger realm where the laws of unconditional love live. The ickle bits of mortal life will fade away in the light of love. Tiny, small, titchy bits. Love one another and be happy.
