Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I breathe into a state of all-encompassing gratitude.
(Last year, I woke several times panicing because my breath had completely stopped. I thought I was dying! Thank God, I remembered my Yogic training in breathing - pranayama so I went deep to my diaphragm to force out the air, and I had to consciously keep it up, however the situation got worse, so I took an overnight sleep lab test at the VA hospital (Thank God for them too!). I was stopping my breathing 72 times in a 2 hour period, which was called "ultra severe sleep apnea". I was given a C-PAC breathing machine which forces air into lungs using a mask. Sometimes this is from heart problems, but I am thankful that it was damaged lungs instead. The gift is that I have to consciously pay more attention to my breath, and that I have to live mindfully. Now to add gratefulness to that gift.)
As long as I have breath, I have life. As long as I have life, I am grateful.
I draw in deep, calming breaths that spread through my body, enlivening my
senses. I breathe in gratitude for all I see, hear, taste, smell and touch. I am
grateful for my loved ones, my home, and for the myriad blessings in my life.
With my next breath, I dive deeper into gratefulness, breathing in gratitude for
my oneness with God. I am grateful for who I am in God--whole, beautiful and
irrepressible. With an energizing amplifying breath, I breathe out any disquiet in
my soul.
Poised and in an elevated awareness of gratitude, I give thanks for ALL experiences:
the physical and the mystical.

(from Unity Daily Word Nov. 22, 2012)

I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart. - Psalm 86:12



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