Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Whale/Angel Fusion

Photo: ☮*´¨`*•.¸♥ May all beings be balanced ♡♥☮

Need some energetic relief . . .
Whales are the Keepers of the Akashic records of our Universe. Many say they hold all the records of our history not just the akasthic records.

Would you like to clear the chaos and confusion out of your World? Have you ever thought of clearing yourAkashic records of the things that are holding you back?

Are you feeling the energies and the extremes on some days? Feel like something needs to be cleared. Want to take a look at lifting lifetimes of discordant energies from your energetic fields with this clearing?

I am being called to do healing energy work and have been having some amazing results with some brave pioneers. Getting excellent feedback of releases and clarity and renewed energy and hope. 

Have you tried every other method known to mankind to manage your life better? Are you tired and just need a fresh start. To feel re energized, refueled, excited about life.

Together we can clear lifetimes of things that have been holding you back; restricting your flow (keeping you from BEing all you came here to be). Clients report feeling lighter immediately. Some have 3rd eye openings. Spiritual Response Therapy allows your energetic pathways to the 6th senses to flow more freely. Increases already heightened awareness. Relieves you of things that were holding you back but you couldn't quite put a finger on it.

It is a game changer for a lot of people, myself included. It helped me release things I could not clear with other traditional and non traditional therapies. Things that were holding me back and making me feel stuck gone or diminished enough that I could work through the rest.

This can be a tremendous boost for you in our world. By cleaning out your internal Planet like this, you indeed are helping Mother Earth clear out her external Planet.

For more information go to http://www.whalecommunicators.com/anastasia.html and see what others have said about a SRT clearing. If you would like to set up an appointment, then please email me at staci@whalecommunicators.com and leave me a few times that are good for you. Appointments are scheduled for 1 hour sessions, it may take a little longer.

Thank you and thank yourself for offering this opportunity to your heart and soul and opening yourself up to all the possibilities and finding your CORE BEing and what you are here to do in our World. 

☮*´¨`*•.¸♥ May all beings be balanced ♡♥☮
For more information go to http://www.whalecommunicators.com/anastasia.html and see what others have said about a SRT clearing. If you would like to set up an appointment, then please email me at staci@whalecommunicators.com and leave me a few times that are good for you. Appointments are scheduled for 1 hour sessions, it may take a little longer.

Thank you and thank yourself for offering this opportunity to your heart and soul and opening yourself up to all the possibilities and finding your CORE BEing and what you are here to do in our World.

☮*´¨`*•.¸♥ May all beings be balanced ♡♥☮

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