Thursday, October 4, 2012

Romney "wins" first debate or did he?

Patricia Arnold: I'd read that Romney was a good debater. I guess the President didn't get the memo. I'm sure he'll bring his A game to the next two face-offs
John E. Marshall Jr.

John E. Marshall Jr.:

In this first debate, Obama had to appear Presidential. He could not go into the trenches and be a prosecutor with a contender. That would have made him seem small. Now Romney has to live with what he said during the debate. He might have seemed strong in this debate in his tone but he was made weaker by his swinging in the air. I would have debated Romney the same way. Let Romney beat himself. Now he has to go back to the Tea Party and explain himself about all the things he turned around on them on in this session. He is also going to have now change his policies that he has backed thus far. Difficult to do 5 weeks out of a campaign. Watch the political advertisements from Obama up to the next debate. Should be quite informative of who derived strength out of this debate.

John E. Marshall Jr.
  • Thank you. It seems to me people get lathered up in the small game of politics and fight when really the fight lasts the length of any campaign. If the President is smart, which I think he is, he will use the things Romney said in the debate against him, especially the Big Bird comment and his walk back on the money needed for his economic plan to work, among other things and watch Romney implode. In the position Romney was, he had to come out the aggressor and I predict now he is going to be rather cocky until the blows his throws come back to haunt him.
Obama played Willard Mitt Romney him like a piano last night. He let him strike his chords and in the next debate he will point out the dissonance of those chords. He let Willard hang himself.

Now, his base will have clear issues with Mittens. He might have looked good last night, but form will never win out over substance when people need jobs and tax breaks.

Striking chords without rhythm is chaotic at best. A sense of timing and finding the groove is what is necessary in addition to playing likeable chords in order to play a memorable song; ask the Beatles. The KISS principle: Keep It Simple Smarty! ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Homelessness and State Rights:
Ea Divakar When Reagan decided to defund the mental hospitals and his wife tried to sub for them with "community" mental health, which was not funded except for a few states. ERGO - much homelessness! Don't let the "State Rights" argument fool you!
Dean A. Banks 'States Rights' translated means we don't want centralized bureaucracies so we can get away with playing our financial game in one state and use it against another to foster a greater profit margin. It is a huge lie that distracts the focus from what they are trying to accomplish; deregulation.
Ra Divakar yes, I used to work in one of the largest Hospitals. and it was so sad to see a majority of the patients let go of - the ones who had parents with money went to private community m. (usually just day treatments) and the rest had nowhere to go but the streets. Before then, one rarely saw homeless people!
And "states rights" easier to control smaller entities & divide & conquer - argument by John Calhoun against John Adams in attempt to save slavery for S. C. 

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