Monday, October 22, 2012

Karma, Grace or hopefully Both?

Brilliant sunrise today. Thirsty? Check out this coffee shop.
LIKE" What we all deserve of course, is the moon and stars and eternal life)" Thanks Bunni Vaughan Healy! Although, Karma simply means cause and effect! And, I really love the Christian concept of Grace - I know many Christians use it to unconsciously increase bad karma. What works for me to continue to clean up past karma moment to moment using Byron Katy's Turnaround process & the Ho'Oponopono Prayer - I apologize, please forgive me, tI LOVE YOU  To me, this is The Buddha's Path to end suffering - Purification of thought! And that leads to the Grace of Nirvana - Heaven on Earth!

Autumn Myst Great name! That is wonderful :)smile ...... the above image was (also) from another cafe joint (Dervish Cafe, SultanAhmat, Istanbul) < it doesn't only cater to coffee avids, (Turkey dish enthusiast), and of course plentiful of Rumi 'lovers'/followers < a nightly performance - great ambience > surreal evenings while dining ... sheer JOY! <3 span="span">heart

Through your grace I have found
a treasure within myself.
I have found the truth of the Unseen world.

I have come upon the eternal ecstasy.
I have gone beyond the ravages of time.
I have become one with you!

Now my heart sings,
"I am the soul of the world."

~ Beloved Rumi٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

I believe that Beloved Teacher Ram Dass is in the Blissful Grace of Nirvana:


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