Tuesday, October 2, 2012


"There is a very simple secret to being happy.
Just let go of your demand on this moment.

Anytime there is a demand on the moment
to give you something or remove something there is suffering...

Sudden realization is just a dropping of every demand
on this moment, on yourself and on others."

- Adyashanti

Patricia Arnold:Amen! Let go of all futile attempts to manipulate circumstances of our experience on this planet, Dear Souls! Trust the script that you wrote before you entered that body. Within those pages lie your purpose. Choose to fulfill it rather than let the body derail you and waste the trip here.

  • Ivan Frimmel A big dog saw a little dog chasing its tail and asked:
    "Why are you chasing your tail so?"

    Said the puppy :
    "I have mastered philosophy, I have solved the problems of the universe
    which no dog before me has rightly solved: I have learned that the best thing for a dog is happiness, and that happiness is in my tail. Therefore I am chasing it, and when I catch it I shall have it."

    Said the old dog:
    "My son, I too have paid attention to the problems of the universe in my weak way, and have formed some opinions. I too have judged that happiness is a fine thing for a dog, and that happiness is in my tail. But I have noticed that when I go about my business, it comes after me. I need not chase it."

  • Ivan Frimmel "The power of allowing is far greater than the power of interferience." Eckhart Tolle

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