Saturday, October 6, 2012

Feeling the Tingling Energy of Love

When you remember that LOVE energy is all that is, and the fabric of universe and of you, it is often starting as a theoretical remembrance. LOVE is though what all matter is created of, and as such a very tangible energy. I once learned an...
exercize from Neale Donald Walsch that he wished all to share. Feeling god, LIFE, LOVE.

Sit down and breath a few times to exhale any disturbance in you, and to inhale goddess LOVE. Hold your hands with your palms up in front of you, not resting on your knees but floating in the air above them. In a few moments you will start feeling something in your palms. To me it feels like a faint pressure of electricity dancing in my palms.

When you are sure that you are feeling this, turn your hands so the palms are turning against each other at a distance of 6 to 8 inches and continue feeling the energy. You will NOW feel the energy so tangible that when you move your hands away from each other, you will feel the pull, and when you move them closer you will feel the push.

 Play a little with that energy. It is the energy of LOVE that we all can use, and that reaches out from all beings. This is LIFE, LOVE, goddess. You have NOW felt god directly in your hands, and that will help you experiencing goddess in all that you see as outside of you.

It is also a great help in establishing a real dialog with goddess, for it makes it impossible to believe that god is far away from you, when you have experienced her as a physical presence. Have fun with it.

I wish you a delightful weekend, filled with magical miracles of goddess LOVE for you. I hope you remember that you are the LIGHT, and that you are here to play LIFE in happiness and JOY.

I LOVE you.
Bent Kim LundbergSee More

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