Monday, September 17, 2012

What is Love?

“And as for "simply loving each other", love is not something anyone is entitled to or deserves from anyone for no cause. It is a thing that earned for a reason, and as it is something of value, great value, it is of all things the last on ...
the list that one is "simply" their due and to be given merely because they exist.” ~George Exline

Love IS freely given. It is not earned. What you perceive as LOVE is not true love when you feel it has to be earned. It is gratitude for something you have ‘done’ for another. It is of value and it is something that should be freely given to EVERY LIVING BEING. Why? Because within everything that exists there is a center; the Spirit of God. Everyone, no matter who they are, deserves to be treated with love because GOD IS WITHIN THEM. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It is a deception of the ego to pre-requisite being loved as having to earn it. It is a LIE; perpetrated by those who seek to control, dominate and manipulate you for their personal agenda. Don’t be conned! ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Noy Traba-g
One night I asked Love:
"Tell me truly, who are you?"

It said:
"I am life eternal, I multiply the lovely life."

I said:
"O you who are beyond each place,
where is your home?"

It said:
"I am together with the heart's fire
and beside the wet eye,
~ Beloved Rumi ♥
 Photo: “And as for "simply loving each other", love is not something anyone is entitled to or deserves from anyone for no cause. It is a thing that earned for a reason, and as it is something of value, great value, it is of all things the last on the list that one is "simply" their due and to be given merely because they exist.” ~George Exline

Love IS freely given. It is not earned. What you perceive as LOVE is not true love when you feel it has to be earned. It is gratitude for something you have ‘done’ for another. It is of value and it is something that should be freely given to EVERY LIVING BEING. Why? Because within everything that exists there is a center; the Spirit of God. Everyone, no matter who they are, deserves to be treated with love because GOD IS WITHIN THEM. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It is a deception of the ego to pre-requisite being loved as having to earn it. It is a LIE; perpetrated by those who seek to control, dominate and manipulate you for their personal agenda. Don’t be conned! ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

1 comment:

  1. mmm interesting post - I was urged to search 'what is love' when I read it is one of the most searched terms - and then I stumbled across your post. I agree that love is free, not to be earned and God is Love - another quote I found in my searching was "The old Christian word for love was ‘caritas’, which means charity or giving or selflessness...In John 15:13 we also see that Christ emphasised the unconditionally selfless significance of the word ‘love’ when he said, ‘Greater love has no-one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.’ So the answer to ‘what does love mean’ is that love is unconditional selflessness–true love is unconditional love." (more can be read at:World Transformation Movement). What is your take on it?
