Friday, September 7, 2012

The Man who gave up Human Efforting to Achieve Nirvana

Only he gave up "efforting", found he had it "made meditating in the shade of the Tree."
Yes, The Buddha started out the usual "trying hard self-denying way" and found that meditating and bring loving kindness to self precedes loving kindness to others!

Beas Dev Chhabra I do not agree.Chapter 7 of Bhagwad Gita says You get Nirvana in the last of so many births 'plus' Shree Madbhagwat written earlier than Buddha's birth states Buddha as 23rd Avatar and Kalgi as 24th and last of Avatars of God. Every Avatar stated as to how a humanbeing should live ideally in this world to ultimately achieve Nirvana. SO DID BUDDHA.
Ron Alexander Thanks for telling your truth Beas Dev Chhabra! And I think to live "ideally", one does not to be a "human doing" - Beingness is the key to living ideally learned in much silence and meditation! May all beings be happy and free! "Struggling" to be "ideal" is just another way to suffer, and The Buddha is all about The End of Suffering!

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