Saturday, September 1, 2012

Once You Let Go of Negative Thoughts

Let go of negative THOUGHTS Positive ones appear!Photo

Ron: I wonder if one lets go of their own negativity, then the "enemy" becomes a friend?
If one lets go of negative thoughts,  postive ones appear!

William Mcelveen Maybe keep the people and get rid of the negitive thoughts. Just re-thinking. First day of reading Byron Katie:)
William Mcelveen I didnt see your quote top of the post till just now. We said basicly the same thing. Cool. I'm starting to get it. The Work is beginning.
Yes, William Mcelveen - ask 4 questions and do the turnaround - hard to do sometimes!

Also, it helps to use the Ho'oponopono Prayer - I apologize (Unity correct), PLease forgive me, thank you, I love you. The perfect Oneness Prayer since in Reality, there is no one out there.

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