Saturday, September 29, 2012

Many Angels Amidst Us

Morning, Angelic One!
I just realized it was September 29, the day celebrated as Archangel Michael's Feast Day. Many honor the whole Angelic Kingdom on this date. Shall we?
A wonderful friend and mentor, Jayne Howard, affirms that each time we see triple numbers, such as 111, 222, etc. it is a reminder to us that Angels are with us. Indeed they are -- each moment they are blessing and empowering all that is good, pure and beautiful within every man, woman and child on Earth. Be awake. I bet you'll see triple digits is droves!
Let's feel a huge, collective 'Thank you" to our beautiful unseen (mostly!) friends. Perhaps our greatest Service is in ACCEPTING all the Divine gifts offered and letting them flow through us in our every thought, word and action.
Infinite Angelic Blessings,
PS Remember Angels do for us only what we ask. There are legions and legions of Angels just twiddling their wings because no one asked their assistance!

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