Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Love One Another However...

Love one another, but make
not a bond of Love:
Let it rather be a moving Sea
between the shores of your souls.
                                                             Kahlil Gibran
Effie Aghili OMG...What a beautiful message, love and image..Indeed if we can live in God and live in love then we see and feel the beauty of everyone and everything will be as beautiful as this loving sea...Merci my dearest Ron for sharing your love and beauty...Embracing you within love...♥ :)
Ron Alexander You are welcome Love Healer Effie! I like this quote alot since I am a man who needs alot of space in a relationship!

Effie Aghili Indeed it is such a beautiful and perfect quote. I love Kahlil Gibran and his wisdom and I also love your loving soul my dear Ron...You are a man of sacred love and joy, stay blessed...Stay beautiful and keep shining as always....Love and hugs to your sacred heart...♥ :) 

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