Sunday, September 2, 2012

Guilt is a twisted way of seeking Forgiveness

How to let go of guilt - Forgive Yourself while Forgiving Others as We are all One!

The relationship between guilt and forgiveness may surprise you.
Guilt is actually a twisted or manipulative way of seeking forgiveness. It is the belief that if you inflict suffering on yourself for your choices, another will forgive you for them. This is belief keeps you in pain because only you can forgive yourself.  Gary Zukav

When my Mom shockingly left me out of her will a few years ago, and then the "family trust" lawyer tried to have me evicted last Nov. My anger toward her almost turned to hatred - mostly feeling so rejected by her. She had asked me to move into house as it had been used as a crack house, and was full of mildew and even maggots in meat left out. I felt righteous about my anger but also guilt.
Working to forgive her in Soul Prosperity Class - using Byron Katie's Turnaround Work (you turn negative judgements/beliefs toward yourself then the Ho'Oponoopono Prayer (as we are all One) - "I apologize or I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." My Mom started coming to me in Prayer and meditation - feeling light caresses on my hands and shoulders. A sensitive fellow meditator actually "saw and heard" her say that "I highly respect and love you. There were some things done at the end of my life I know that hurt you, but I was not in my right mind and someone else heavily influenced me." I had heard that last statement about her being influenced by someone else from another psychic, however the rest was really music to my ears.

Staci Maria Housum I learned that same lesson from my mother - I wasn't left out I was cheated out with a lot of manipulation on my family's part. I love this graphic - It says it all. Very hard lesson, but she can keep my father's money. She will never know the true meaning of BEing Rich in this lifetime. It comes from within not from the outside. Great post!
Ron Alexander The best and most beautiful things in life are not things. Thanks Staci Maria Housum!

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