Wednesday, September 5, 2012


The best and most beautiful things are not things.

Wealth consists not in having great
 possessions but in having few wants.
Esther de Waal(

I heard Michelle say that "President Obama and I did not receive many material things as kids, but we got the most important thing - UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!"
I was very tired at 6:30 and did not want to get up, however I remembered the re-cycling and trash to get out.  Once I got the jobs done, I decided to trudge over to the beach, even though I really wanted to go back to bed. Once I got there, I thought I would just walk to the next walk-over and then leave, however this magnificient sunrise just got better and better, so I  reached my goal, even running a little. I left only after the sun got above the clouds, and was so happy for my habitual walk/run at sunrise discipline.

Elizabeth May Sutor Isn't it funny how we stumble into the most amazing and inciteful and beautiful things? I love sunrise. It's full of possibility.
  • Ron Alexander Yes Elizabeth May Sutor - & I am so grateful for your affirmative support!

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