Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Washing Dishes can be fun? Chop Wood Carry Water

When one is able to overcome the
romantic and emotional attitude,
one discovers truth even in the
kitchen sink.
Chögyam Trungpa
Meditation in Action
Mindfulness makes even washing dishes fun. Being completely present is a gift to yourself and others.

Waning Moon: Chop Wood,
Carry Water

What can we do when it's not the time to build and grow?

BY: Dana Gerhardt
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Excerpted with permission from "Moon Teachings for July 2000" in Mooncircles Newsletter.Chop wood, carry water. According to an old Zen parable, this is what we do before enlightenment. And it's what we do afterward. In other words: Enlightenment is no big deal. The small rituals that sustain life are as important as our bigger dreams. This is especially true at the waning moon. It's time to slow down, move wisely, paring down effort to the essentials. I like to think the old Zen masters knew this, too, practicing enlightenment of the lunar kind.
At the waning moon: Chop wood. Literally. Logs that won't burn (filled with sap) have been cut at the wrong moon time. When the moon wanes, life force draws underground, into the roots, into the earth. Sap descends. The wood in trees is drier during a waning moon, and therefore better for burning. Fruits are less juicy and good for canning (they won't spoil as quickly). Your body is dry, retaining less fluid; a good time for detoxing. So, carry water--and drink it!

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