Thursday, August 23, 2012

Quest for Silence, Emptiness, Nothingness

John Cage, the famous "minimilest" composer was a student of Zen Buddhist Teacher D. T. Suzuki.
Attempting to go beyond the "ego" in his music, Cage entered "pure silent" anechoic chamber @ Harvard U. There, the composer, was so overwhelmed by the sounds of his own body - heartbeat, circulation, digestion etc. that he realized the nondualist wisdom of Suzuki. There is no separation of "spirit and matter".

In one of his concerts during a long period of silence, the audience rebelled and started making noises - "primal screams, flute & guitar playing, singing, chanting - some even going on stage." This was reported as "rude ignorant unruly students" at the concert at Naropi U. in Boulder U. Were they "unruly" or enlightened part of Cage's concert?

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