Sunday, August 26, 2012

Forgiving Everyone is Forgiving Yourself

Duh, I need to forgive myself - I am sorry, Please forgive me, thank you, I love you! How could I forget the Ho'Oponopono prayer? It is the Prayer of Oneness. Since we are all one, we always ask for forgiveness even if we think the other person is the perpetrator, as we are all One! How could I forget, evidently I did not apply it appropriately and enough. If I apply it to my Mom and others who I have felt hurt by, I am forgiving myself. To "practice living in the Presence" , I need to also use this great prayer as a mantra! Thanks so much Rev. Ed. I am humbled and very very grateful, ron

Ah Freedom, I have had my outer freedom (when I sailed away for 12 years) and now time for internal FREEDOM. I wrote this with another forgiveness post a couple of days ago. This time I am willing to apply it until I am truly free! And to think I was getting ready to sail away again, and still might do it, however this time I will be truly free!

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