Sunday, June 17, 2012

You are the light, and you are the transformer of your world. Shine on dear friends!

When you have thoughts that are misaligned, your task is to engage them in such a way that they are transformed through their association with you. Thoughts that are resentments, or unpleasant thoughts that revisit you routinely, are most definitely your own creations. They are aligned with you vibrationally in such a way that they are sticky, and seem attached as if with a rubber band. You may get away from them for a while, and then they return a day, a week or an hour later.

The important step is to recognize them as your own creations; they are not outside of you. And then recognize (know again) the reason you sent them off in the first place — because they really don’t fit you; not as they are.

But they are aspects of your own creation, thus they remain attuned to you. They will follow you about until you have paid enough attention to them that they either manifest in some form
, (and since we are talking about unpleasant vibrations they will be unpleasant manifestations) or you have transformed them into something more pleasing, more concordant with you. But you cannot eliminate them from your field by rejecting them or expelling them: The Universe operates on the principle of inclusion. So you have to own up to them, accept that they are yours, and invite them back into the fold so that they may be transformed by the person whom you are now.

When you first thought those thoughts, launching them into being, you were not the person you are now. You were driven by other forces then, fears perhaps, or beliefs in lack and limitation, but forces that do not reflect who you really are, nor the knowledge you have of your true Self today. You are the most powerful force in your corner of the Universe. You are the most powerful being in your own field of experience and field of thought, and even in the field of your physical manifestations.

So you see, you do not make yourself stronger by rejecting those errant parts of yourself that you deny; you make yourself weaker by sending that energy away from yourself. There’s a part of you out there attracting your energy outward. You make yourself strong by welcoming back in those orphaned elements of yourself, allowing them to be transformed by the person you have become today.

You see, they are going to be transformed by you, not the other way around: That was then, this is now. When you sent them away you were unable to deal with them. Today you are much stronger and more sure of yourself than ever, and you can allow those rejected elements of yourself to be transformed by the light that shines within you so very, very brightly.

Darkness is always transformed by light. That which is shoved off into the dark becomes a great bogey-monster, creating fear and aversion. When the feared thing is brought into the light that emanates from you it evaporates, quickly diffusing into its elemental parts, to be reincorporated by you, back into the wholeness of your being. You disassemble the monster and its component energies are transformed into the wholeness of your being.

 You are the light, and you are the transformer of your world. Shine on dear friends,

Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light? ~Maurice Freehill

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