Sunday, June 3, 2012

Will you join the dance? (Have fun the Universe is a big ship)

Reader: "What's the fastest and most mighty way to attract a dream job? Okay, here's my situation: I already know what's my dream job, and I have the right credentials and experience to aspire to have it. Apart from doing all the right actions to have it, what would YOU--the Twelve--do in order to attract that dream job to your physical life?"

(The Universe is a really big ship, and it does no good to get out and push. Have fun and enjoy the journey.)

The first thing that we would do to attract this dream job is to spend as much time living in that dream state as possible. We would devote a 10-15 minute period of time morning and night—just after, and just before sleep—to occupying that state of being. We would want that place to feel very familiar to us. And we would want to occupy that state so thoroughly as to completely forget how we got there in the first place. Like vacationing in the islands, after the first day you have completely forgotten the plane ride or boat trip that got you there. Be immersed in that state for those 15 minutes. You want this place to feel natural to you like you have always been there. Imagine all the details.

Then while you are going about your daily activities, keep your mind upon positive, happy things that you find to appreciate, and upon creative, stimulating solutions to problems that appear before you. In other words, forget about it. Don’t give any further thought to your dream job during the day, but keep your attention upon bringing positivity and good feelings into your here-and-now moment, life experience.

The dream job belongs in the imaginal realm:
loving womb of the Great Mother, where it can grow and develop in the manner the Universe sees most fitting. The Universe is well qualified for this midwifery and does best with less meddling from you. Simply trust that everything is going exactly right for the upcoming birth of your dream.

Here’s another analogy for you: Imagine you were on a cruise ship that was going to France. You know that France is out there somewhere, and you trust that the ship’s captain and navigator and crewmembers have things in hand. You trust that they will, by skilled seamanship and miracles of navigation, both modern and ancient, get you to the place you want to go.

So you do not spend your day standing at the rail fretting about the absence of France from your sight. You’re not asking “Where is it? We’ve been at sea for days.” No. Instead you find friends to talk to, things to do, games to play, have a drink, enjoy the pool, soak up some sun, enjoy the entertainment lined up for you. And then assuredly your ship arrives in port.

Live your life like you are on that ship whose destination is the one you have imagined and occupied in your mind. But your job now is to have fun, find joy, and bring positivity and hope to all those around you along the way. And when your destination appears on the horizon you will feel it, and you will feel right at home.

The Universe is a really big ship, and it does no good to get out and push. Have fun and enjoy the journey.

I couldn’t resist naming this reply from the Twelve after “The Lobster Quadrille” in Alice In Wonderland. Whenever I’m on a journey with no immediate end in sight I am reminded of this verse:
“What matters it how far we go?” his scaly friend replied.
“There is another shore, you know, upon the other side.
The further off from England the nearer is to France—
Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance.
Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, will you join the

Blessings of light,

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