Sunday, May 6, 2012

You are Part of the Plan

There is Great Love here for you.

You cannot overestimate the value of what you are doing here on this planet. You are indispensable to the process of creation. And your part in all of it is required for fulfillment to occur. There is an orchestration, a dance, that goes on with all of you. We see it as a field of bubbles, bubbles of experience, each bubble a complete field of experience containing all the unique and precious events, people, places, things—perspectives—that are uniquely yours. And yet your field interacts with all of the others that are in vibrational harmony with your own container of experience. That vibrational harmony is what it’s all about, you see.

All That Is sees the whole through each of you. All That Is orchestrates the dance that brings all of your fields into this interactive, co-creative dance. You don’t have to worry about that part of it. You don’t have to understand that part of it, and many times you won’t.

So for any event of your life that leaves you scratching your head and saying “why did that happen?”, you can relax about it. It is all purposeful, every bit of it, and you are being guided by the Source of All to your greatness. If you choose to align yourself with the Great Flow you will find yourself propelled from one arena of life to the next in a gentle, loving cascade of delightful, purposeful and meaningful experiences. If you are choosing to struggle against that flow of natural harmony you won’t enjoy it as much—but you will still be part of the plan.

You really can’t get it wrong. It’s just this matter of whether you will allow the well-being that is naturally yours to flow to you in the order God wants to give it you or not. It’s all there for you, everything you have asked. And you will each arrive at your ideal destination when you allow the well-being to flow in the manner it was Intended.

There is Great Love here for you. If something doesn’t make sense, allow that the Great Director experiences through all of you, and indeed through every living being and molecule and cell, and is orchestrating the Whole Great Dance. You are part of the Plan.

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