Monday, May 14, 2012

Only a stressful thought keeps you from being Love

No one who says “I should love myself” knows what love is. Love is what we are already. To think that you should love yourself when you don’t is delusion. Isn’t the turnaround truer? “I shouldn’t love myself.” That’s it, for now. The truth is no respecter of spiritual concepts. Love is not a doing. And when you question your mind, you can see that the only thing that keeps you from being love is a stressful thought.
The mental and emotional act of taking full responsibility for your own circumstances will make a pivotal difference in your life. Do not succumb to playing the victim. Nothing is ever enough IF we judge that we are not enough. Joy is centered in self-acceptance; it is freedom from self-judgment.
Self Love Means... I no longer Blame others and I start taking responsibility for my own actions ~ ♥ ♥ ♥

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