Saturday, April 14, 2012

Wisdom is .....

“Information is just bits of data.Knowledge
is putting them together. Wisdom is transcending
them.”~Ram Dass
In the bilge...
Information is just bits of data.
Knowledge is putting them together.
Wisdom is transcending them.” ~Ram Dass

‎"Transcendence" can be a problem however, if one uses it as part of a denial system. I was doing that when after starting grad. school, the first time, we were in process groups, I was confronted for not being upfront about having any problems. They were right, I was meditating like crazy to "avoid" having any, and I certainly did not want to share my darkside - especially being only one from South in California
My metaphor for that process-oriented grad. school was "cleaning out my bilge" - the lowest part of a boat that collects all the dirt. Something I had failed to do for my otherwise beautiful sailboat, that I sold back in Carolna in order to go to Antoch U, San Francisco. After being there the new
owners complained about how hard they had to work to get the bilge cleaned. I gave them back some of the purchase price.
Needless to say, I am not a fan of "Transcendental Meditation" - besides the "transcendance" problem, the teachers sell the "mantras" for a tidy sum. I was given my mantra by Swami Vishnu Devananda, wh0 also taught me to be a Yoga Teacher on Paradise I. in the Bahamas.
The Grad. School was much more valuable towards my healing!
Rob Jackson Both light and dark reside in the human heart; human frailties we all possess. It is the awakened mind that helps us choose to walk in the direction of light (love) for not only others, but all living beings, including ourselves. Sometimes,... forgiveness is best served on the road within. Transcendence can begin with immanence, and resolve itself into the same beginning. For myself, mindfulness is still the chosen vehicle.
So, you have "transcended" all of your darkness, Rob Jackson? If you have then You are a Master! and what do you mean by "immanence" and how do you get to "mindfulness"?
Just to be clear, when I am in my meditation practice deeply or in a creative space, I am pretty close to mindfulness. However, it is not any kind of transcendent meditation. It is going deep within andd being aware of what is gong on within my body - senses - watching any kind of sensation - stiffness, tickling, pain (lot of that lately), itching, burning, cool, and this is beyond concentration, which is first step Anapana or pranayama &/or mantra Thase are the first step - concentration then to insight, the second step called Vipassana or Sensory Awareness. By the way, Mindfulness is my favorite place to be, and that includes awareness of denial & any type of avoidance of reaiity, which most call "transcendence"

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