Monday, April 23, 2012

Take Responsibility for your own alignment with Source

When you enter into the kingdom, the ever present here-now Spirit Directed world of events, the pathway is cleared for you like magic. It is only your belief in conflict which allows conflict to occur, and then you are in the ego-directed realm. In other words you believe there must be conflict between yourself and others because they seem to want different things, or be headed in ways that oppose you, and in reality there is enough room for all of you to go your chosen ways without ever bumping into another who is opposed or contradicts you.
 The force of Spirit flooding into your experience sweeps the contrast away; clears the path. You don’t have to fix those people who come into your experience who don’t seem to fit—not your job. Fixing anyone is Spirit’s job, and only when they request it. You heal them and your entire field of experience by connecting yourself with Spirit first, and allowing that Spirit has the power to deal with it all—and that you need do nothing! We have said that to you many times for a reason. You need do nothing because when you feel that you must, or you should, or you have to, you are taking up a burden that belongs to Spirit.

 Lay the burden down. Quit taking responsibility for anything that is going on with anyone else. It is in your allowing of them that you will discover your own clear path. What you must take responsibility for is your own alignment with Source. Then everything else will fall into place, including any and all actions you will take. The results will be joyful when you allow joyful Spirit presence to guide you.

 You are blessed on this journey, (really)


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