Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mindfulness Helps Silence Is Sacred

Silence is the most vital part of mindfulness to help slow the mind down. Ron Alexander original

There is no large and difficult task that can’t be divided into
little easy tasks.
Buddhist Saying

"Silence empowers the word..."- thanks so much Bobby Hinkle

Bobby Hinkle: Words have power only through the silence surrounding them. Silence empowers the word. Thus, a mind is most powerful in silence. In silent there is no duality.
Obodai Manny, Ra Divakar, Subodh Kumar Misra and 2 others like this.
Ron Alexander: Pure Silence www.puresilence.org/ A non dual site which gently points one to the inner silence of being and awareness: The Now, Nonduality and Oneness.Pure Silence http://www.puresilence.org/A non dual site which gently points one to the inner silence of being and awareness: The Now, Nonduality and Oneness.·
Ron Alexander: “Silences make the real conversations between friends. Not the saying but the never needing to say is what counts.” Margaret Lee Runbeck
Ron Alexander: The best communication with a first mate I had on a sailboat was done in silence! She knew what to do to help the boat run without me having to say anything. She did have alot of experience on other boats. Still that silence extended into the rest of our relationSHIP also which help our regard for each other immensely. Unfortunately, she wanted to continue her profession as an architect in another country. We met at a Yoga Teachers Training in the Bahamas, and I did not even notice her until she and 9 others wanted to go saiing after graduation

Ron Alexander: “Do not speak unless you can improve the silence” Proverb quotes

Music and silence combine strongly because music
is done withsilence, and silence is full of music.

Marcel Marceau

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