Sunday, February 26, 2012

Paddling Upstream?

I feel like I’m paddling upstream. It’s like I’ve always been struggling trying
to get somewhere. So my question is, if I’m trying to be a
conscious creator, how does that work? I
want to get somewhere. There are things I want, places I want to be,
relationships I want to have and have more of, and … you get the

It really is all about the journey, and
the journey is what is taking place, right here, right now. You aren’t really
going anywhere, and that is the grand illusion, what the Hindus call maya.
Instead, all of that life experience is being called through you. And it’s being called
through you right here, right now.

That’s what your vortex is – it is
funneling all of that through you, through your focused point of consciousness.
That’s what your chain of experience is all about; it’s like a train and you are
like the station. It is always flowing
through you, you see. And then when
you decide you want to “get somewhere”, go somewhere else, all of those packages
of life that Source was sending to you are now addressed to the wrong location,
because you’re not there anymore. You’re trying to get somewhere else, away from
your here and now.

From a strictly physical point of view
this seems contradictory and even paradoxical.
“Of course I have to get somewhere else” you say, “I’m over here and what
I want is over there. I can see it over there and its no where near me.” And so
you pick yourself up and begin a journey away from where you are now—and you’re
paddling upstream. You are going against the flow. You changed your address and
left no forwarding.

You see the Universe is a living,
breathing, thinking organism just like you are. And you just have to engage the
co-creative process with the Universe and allow that what you want will be
delivered to your doorstep. Your job is simply to remain happily in your here
and now location, appreciating all the positive aspects of here and

The way you feel while you are waiting
and doing what you do, has EVERYTHING to do with how you will get where you are
going, you see. And when you set out on
a difficult journey, well that feels difficult, like a struggle, like paddling
upstream, like going against the flow. And when you choose to be happy where you
are, and eagerly anticipating more,
that feels like joy, that feels like relief, that feels like happy anticipation.

Do you feel the difference between
those two vibrations? One of them will bring you where you want to go and the
other will be a never ending struggle. But it’s your choice in the moment.
Breathe. Relax. Watch the magic of the Living Universe unfold in front of you.
Your packages are all addressed to here/now; not, over there/some other day.
Remain happily in your here, now. If you can’t find enjoyment of some kind
here/now, then someday/over there, won’t be any fun either.

We are complete.

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