Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Being Compassionate with your Inner Monster

May I see my own limits with compassion,
just as I view the limits of others.

Roshi Joan Halifax
Spoken at Legacy of Wisdom conference, April 17, 2011(

~ All streams flow to the sea because it is lower than they are...humility gives it its power ~

Bob Sampron: Without discernment, how then do we keep away the monsters?

Ron Alexander: Being compassionate with your inner monster.

Lindsay Lock Butler: We all have our faults. We want love even though we have faults, so we should love others despite their faults.

Ron Alexander: It is kind of confusing - those two messages together, however, Lindsay Lock Butler synthesized well what I was trying to convey - thanks Lindsay!

"It takes great courage for us to see the parts of ourselves that we have trouble accepting being mirrored back to us by our partners - (from)
Relationship is the most challenging spiritual path available on the planet. No other path brings forth our buried doubts, fears and insecurities for healing so definitely. It takes great courage for us to see the parts of ourselves that we have trouble accepting being mirrored back to us by our partners. Yet, by making peace with the disowned parts of ourselves, we come to know our own wholeness and can then experience authenticity."
Paul Ferrini

Guess one of my inner monsters? - "narcissistic womanizer" - not so active now at 67, thank goodness! I was only 66 when these photos were taken LOL!

Lindsay Lock Butler: I wholeheartedly agree. Without others in our lives its impossible for us to improve. We need them to teach us, and in turn teach them. By interacting, by being examples. The [best] teaching is not overt, but rather that comes naturally and from the heart.

“I believe that the measure of my soul is my capacity to love imperfect people.”~ Joseph Grenny

Acceptance is the universal currency of real friendship. . . .It does not warp or shape or wrench a person to be anything other than what they are.
Joan Chittister
The Friendship of Women

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