Sunday, February 5, 2012

Attention is the Key

Guest: I’ve read that “Either God or the ego is insane.” I think God is insane. An insane god created an insane universe! A loving and compassionate god would have created a loving and compassionate world.

So, what kind of God are you? The world that you see, feel, experience with your physical senses is a world that you have constructed — and you did it in two ways. First of all there is your reaction to the world you perceive. And if you perceive the horrors of the world and then focus your attention upon them, you then begin to attract more of them. That is the second part of the equation. There is this Law of Attraction which governs your world, and it begins to do it’s work as soon as you think a thought and hold it in your attention.

There are no parts of the world that did not come to you in this way. That’s the key to the operation of this thing, this universe: attention. What you attend to in thought activates the Law of Attraction and the universe responds by drawing more of it in your direction. And it does so on the level of thought-energy first, and thought-forms, and then with physical realities.

So you are not real happy with the things that are going on in your piece of real estate there, and the beauty of that is you are going to profoundly change it in a very short time, even by human standards, when you choose to focus your attention instead upon that which is kind, loving and compassionate. And if you cannot find anything like kind, loving, and compassionate, then focus your attention upon that which is at least a move in the right direction.

It may seem like you are holding up your hand and saying “La-la-la-la-la.” but that’s really what you must do. You are holding right there in your grey matter the key to a compassionate world, but you have to step through the door first with your thoughts. You get what you look for. So while in this moment you may not have any control over where you can go, or who you can be with, or what you can see with your eyes physically, you do have absolute control over what you think and where you pay your attention.

The blessings you seek are already present on your journey,

"Relationships are the oxygen of the psyche."
Jane Fonda(
Spoken at Legacy of Wisdom conference, April 17, 2011

“Once you have learned to love, you will have learned to live.” -Unknown

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