Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Surprising Visitor to Heaven on Earth

How do you live consistently in the Kingdom of Love on Earth?
This writer was not someone I expected to experience the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
He described "taking a solitary stroll on a seaside street in France, I suddenly lost myself coming completely into the present. I had no memory, my mind was blank except experiencing what was in front of me. Everything - people, flowers, trees and the seas was seen with complete adoration. I felt like I was observing and was invisible yet completely in love with all that I saw. I sat down at a nearby sidewalk cafe and was mesmerized with absolute wonder at the beauty and simplicity of life. I felt like I was literaly in heaven and did not want this experience to end."
This sounds like an experience of someone like Eckhart Tolle, however it was Albert Camus. Camus, to me, appeared to be a cynical writer of dark nearly nihilistic books like THE STRANGER, whose hero choose death over life. Maybe I ought to read Camus again, or did he have that Heaven on Earth experience and never incorporated it in his life?
The question is did you ever have an epiphany and then not incorporate it or just forgot it? How do you live consistently in the Heaven on Earth?

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you continue looking for the meaning of life."
(on photo)

Another brilliant quote from Albert Camus, and back then everybody smoked almost!

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