Monday, January 23, 2012

I Celebrate Being Celibate

I am not in a sexual relationship, and I am not interested in being in one, maybe ever. I really enjoy close friends and community, and being 67, I only want heaven (on earth). My testorone level is low and I am grateful for it. I feel finished with sex, and have not had any in quite a while, plus I have not slept with anyone in a while.
So please see anything I write on facebook or in person, as my attempt to be supportive and inspirational and not a come-on! It has come to my attention that one person (who is now blocked) has sent out and even blocked other people in attempt to think that she is the one in my life, and I am sorry about that. She has been in the past, and still lives with me parttime, but I am not interested in her, as well as anybody, for a romantic partnership. For some delusional reason she remains in denial about the change! I am only interested in the Divine Oneness that we All share, and supportive, inspirational friendships in that Regard!

I respect your principaled decision and bless you Ron...Travis

Beata Bohac: There is a season for everything in life, dear Ron.

I look at sex as I do at investments: The older I get the less drama & risk I'm prepared to take.

Ron Alexander: I am very grateful for your support Travis E. Duke & Beata Bohac - love -"I look at sex as I do at investments: The older I get the less drama & risk I'm prepared to take."
Oh yes - add - lady is a housemate part-time - not a "roommate" - big difference!

When one door closes it brings your attention to All the other doors that await...Shine on and have no regrets I say. Sex is in the moment a wonderful thing however when it is no longer desired or needed it can be cast aside. I do understand exactly what your saying Dear Ron. Much love sent always. ♥

Ron Alexander: Thanks for your support and inspiration Angela Martin Diggs! Especially for having "no regrets" - working on that!

Gene Yakub: Sathya Sai Baba advises to cease having sex after 60 so as to give oneself the chance to learn to detach from pleasure of the senses before passing on. So good for you, Ron!

William Mcelveen: Excellent post friend from a good man. I sometimes sense the same for me. Even more so as time takes it's toll. A saying I heard recently that stuck me like your picture button......I'm looking for soul mates not a cell mate.
Ron Alexander: Thanks Gene Yakub & William Mcelveen - I still enjoy my physical senses but not from sex. I enjoy movement, massage, touch, seeing, hearing, smelling, et al. "Soul mates not a cell mate"! - lol!

Bunni Vaughan Healy
I almost refrained from commenting on this but my ego decided to have a chat with your ego.

This post is not about oneness. You don't need to talk about "her" like this. You can choose to, obviously, but you could just as easily state your view on celibacy without mentioning her. There is unkindness in this post. I will not debate it with you I just want you to know that I see it and so do others who you will notice will not comment on this (or like it). Enjoying oneness with "some friends" while reporting on the "wrongness" of another is not the high road and is not oneness. I take issue with you on this only because I know you want enlightenment and this is not the way to it. You can do better than this. I expect more from you which is why I decided that I could post this. (Not that you ever have to meet my expectations but I find for myself that those who expect a lot from me keep me help me stay on the high road delivering a lot...and that's who I want to be.)

Ron Alexander; Thanks for your comments Bunni Vaughan Healy, and I will take them into my heart, because I know they are from yours...

Ron Alexander: ‎Bunni Vaughan Healy:"This post is not about oneness. You don't need to talk about "her" like this. You can choose to, obviously, but you could just as easily state your view on celibacy without mentioning her. There is unkindness in this post."
Ron Alexander: Above, Bunni Vaughan Healy is right and I say to "her" (the woman I talked about in the post) - I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you (for I know you will). I love you. Thank you Bunni for being courageous enough to point this out. And I am grateful to "her" for givng me space to work this out within myself for we are All One!

The Huna Process of Ho'oponopono: "I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you (for I know you will). I love you!"​ho-oponopono.htm
Ho'oponopono means to make right. Essentially, it means to make it right with the ancestors, or to make right with the people with whom you have relationships

The Huna Process of Ho'oponopono

This description is by no means a complete training in how to do Ho'oponopono. While appropriate to do for yourself, for yours and others safety, it should not be done with someone else without training.

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