Thursday, January 12, 2012

Human Beings Doing the Best We Can!

Are you mostly a "human doing" or mostly a Human Being? (ron's question)
Just to be is a blessing; just to live is holy.
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (

Michael WhoDat Malik: I just got this high tech camera Ron. I set the alarm to get up for the sunrise. Instead I mediated,.and said I'll just be and listen for what God has for me instead.

Thanks for the question. Hope you are well


Ron Alexander: Oh, Dr. Michael, thanks so much - great to hear from you! I am well, and have fond memories of our communication on the other sites! And I am grateful for your positive statement Valerie! And all you likers! May we all have wonderful blessed New Years! " Human Beings "Doing" the best we can, no mistake, ron

Pema Chodron:
WHAT IT IS TO BE HUMAN "Although it is embarrassing and painful, it is very healing to stop hiding from yourself. It is healing to know all the ways that you shut down, deny, close off, criticize people, all your weird little ways. You can know all that with some sense of humor and kindness. By knowing yourself, you’re coming to know humanness altogether." (Start Where You Are) From Shambhala Heart Advice of the Week

Subodh Kumar Misra:
Reality exercises a pull over the images and since we have no control over Reality, the images change even though we desire them to remain as they are. We call the change of the images as the flow of time, and we want time to stop. It is a demand which cannot be fulfilled, and so we remain unhappy, always seeking for that which will continue for ever. Thus do we struggle in the realm of the ‘becoming’, never coming to the ‘being’. It is the function of the mind to project images, but it is psychological memory which holds on to them. It is the process of holding on that creates unhappiness. Namaste & Regards!

Ron Alexander: Thanks for your deep Wisdom, Subodh Kumar Misra! So it is attachment that creates suffering?

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