Sunday, January 15, 2012

Don''t Worry, Be Happy

Q: How am I to stay positive and hope for things to get better, when all that is happening is disappointment? ... How can I get something positive to happen ... I am a good person, honest, trustworthy and loyal with a great work ethic. HELP!!!!!

You've got to allow yourself to let go of the criteria for success that you are presently using. Many of you have adopted a set of commonsense criteria that let you know when things are going right, or not. And the results that you receive in your day-to-day life are judged against those common sense beliefs.

And from the commonsense point of view of your world, it doesn't make any sense that you should spend your day, or even any part of your day, enjoying the ducks in the park when what you really need—from the commonsense point of view—is a job. But that is exactly what you need to do when viewed through the lens of Source Energy dynamics.

When you put forth the idea of the new job you would like to have, where you are treated with dignity and respect and worth, Source Being instantly became that vibrational request. But it flies against common sense to really believe in something that you cannot see or put in your bank account. In this commonsense world someone is bound to ask "Where is it?" And so you have been trained by your lifetime of interactions with others to judge your success by visible measures.

This is where the principle of nonattachment to results will aid you immensely. Instead of worrying what the others may think, take some time each day to allow yourself the enjoyment of all the positive things that do presently surround you. Those are the things that are in alignment with your Source of Being and the world you are asking for.

You cannot use ordinary judgment when you're asking to create miracles. What Source has created for you may not come through ordinary means, but we guarantee it will not come when you pay attention to the lack of it. That sets up an energy pattern that contradicts the presence of your new job. Finding things to appreciate and enjoy throughout your day—in spite of your apparent circumstances—and relaxing, sets up an energy pattern in you that is complementary to the presence of the new job.

Your happiness now is more important than all the commonsense in the world. There is nothing worth delaying it for. “Don't worry, be happy” is really the best mantra we can give you for these times, and it makes perfect sense when viewed from the eyes of Source.


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