Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Please Pray With Me Today (send me some good vibes)

For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a
simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry
of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.
St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Please pray with me as I am sick with grief.

Annie Oakley:
Prayers sent Ron ♥
Keenan W Robinson: Bless you so Ron, you have been a quick lifter Upper I am somewhat sadden are you ok love ya bro....QQ's to my Fathers house and my soul to my mothers heart...let us together pray that you be comforted....♥ Amen.
Mary Piercy: Praying for you Ron...
Rebecca Moser: Prayers for strength to endure this transitional time.
1Dean A. Banks Photos
Do you have a feeling of foreboding? Are you grief stricken about what you perceive is happening? Are the results of these feelings real or are they what you believe will happen?
Angela Martin Diggs: Love and prayers sent to you...♥ Be still and listen to what God speaks to you....Comfort embrace your Spirit..♥
Effie Aghili: Beautiful...Abundance of love and blessings always to you dear Ron...♥ :)3 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1.Lisa Jones Embracing you in the energetic arms of the universe! Your grief could be your greatest blessing! Much love Ron!
Tom Nadeau: Just know that we are all made of the same stuff Ron...Don't know why you are overcome today, but I have been there, as we all have, in that place. To endure that feeling is so uncomfortable. When I am there, sometimes I just want to disappear into the ether...fade away at least until the pain subsides but I always find comfort that I ALWAYS come through to the other side stronger, grown and grateful.
Ron Alexander: I am so grateful to you all, as some of you know, I am "ambivalently fighting" for my family home, which I have been living in & renovating for 7 years. The family "trust" lawyer had an eviction notice served to me just before Thanksgiving. I have been unsuccessfully so far trying to find a lawyer who will "fight" for me. Today, I have driven to the state capitol to consult with an attorney, who was at least sympathetic on the phone. Not only have I been dealing with a lot of grief, but also alot of transitional anxiety of possibly having to leave this beautiful house around Christmas. That meeting occurs at 2pm, slo please send attorney and myself alot of positive vibes at that time, yours thankfully, ron
.Lisa Jones Ron, I know it is not easy, place your focus on your heart for the love you have for your home then keep your focus on that which you want not on the fear of what you do not want. See what you want as already done. Keep your thoughts positive. Where thoughts go energy flows. On the opposite side of the coin, the Divine Self knows what is best so don't fight it. Sometimes, unanswered prayers are the best. Much love and support to you in your time of transition.
Donna Stead: I agree with Lisa, keep positive and be proactive at the same time. Focus on what you want and then take charge! Sending love and light at the challenging time:)

Angela Martin Diggs Breath my friend and allow the Divine God to take the lead.....Through guidance and Faith may your troubles be eased. Whatever is yours can not be taken, however it can be slowed down. Never stopped. What is meant for Ron will be Ron's...Much love and do not be swept up by emotions. Make your decisions from a loving place within your heart. By all means stay positive as Lisa and Donna suggest. Tom Nadeau: Sometimes what we want doesn't come to fruition...sometimes, when we are playing director, we seem to know what is good for us and insist upon our way. I had an entire life taken away from me once and it made me very bitter and resentful. However, with time and a program of spiritual recovery, I came to see my part in all that happened to me...I learned that I was not a victim but sometimes a least from the perspective of those who injured me. As this process began to take root in my heart, a calmness and a love replaced the hatred I felt and was able to forgive them because in seeing my own part, I was able to forgive myself. Once that happened, the angst was gone and my emotional load was dramatically lessened.Tom Nadeau: Ron I am sorry if I am overly involved in this discussion. I realize it may seem presumptuous of me to be in this given the fact that we don't interact a lot on FB but something about your pain hit me this morning and I was moved to speak. Please do not become offended.·
Ellen M Raines: ‎"the family "trust" lawyer" ... interesting contradiction of terms ... I'm holding for you that any and all resistance dissipates - - - and that once again, you will find peace and comfort in your home..Jean Mitchell: Bless you dear ♥ Ron ♥ sending you and the situation you are in much positiveness and visualizations for a happy out come my friend, my, we are all being tested right now, love you, keep strong and look to the higher perspective Lord knows I am too, and you have always given me strength just when I needed it most in my life, bless you I hope in my way I can return a little to you my friend
Gene Yakub: Sending you love and light, Ron, and prayers that you will feel warm and comfortable in your internal home until such time in the near future when you have found your abode of peace.
Robyn Summers-Shelley: sending you love, healing, prayers and peace my friend.............xoxoxElizabeth May Sutor: You got it.
Patricia Arnold: Holding you in Light, knowing that the Divine within and surrounding you is providing the strength and peace you desire.Ron Alexander: I am so appreciative of ALL of you, you are so dear and full of loving kindness. Worldwide FB Friends! What a blessing. Had an awesome meeting with lawyer today - first time I have had felt really heard by attorney. I am going to trust the legal "fight" with him and know, with guidance of the Divine, I will be helped - a 2 hour DIALOGUE - I know we were positively supported by all of your Good Vibes and Prayers! A good listening lawyer is a good COUNSELOR in the therapeutic meaning of the word!Patricia Arnold: I affirm that this matter is resolving itself for the Highest Good of all concerned, no matter what appears to be happening on the surface. Everybody and everything in the physical world is transitory; so this, too, shall pass.

Patricia Arnold: I've had this personal experience--complete with the lawyer and bank battle. Without it, I'm not sure I would have become so trusting or willing to go wherever God sends me.

What I now know, for sure is that on some occasions, our souls' ...scripts indicate that it simply time to move on. The Divine within you knows where you're supposed to be at any moment to fulfill its mission through your body.

I've been blessed to experience the freedom and tranquility that result from allowing myself to let go and be led to the domicile that is perfectly suited for the next adventure in my physical experience.

In your case, it might be the same place. Wherever it is, know that it's the most perfect place for you.

Ron Alexander: Ah, Patricia, that is so comforting. It feels very good to finally have a lawyer I can trust to do the best he can for me - his job - not mine! Now, I can really surrender! Divine Will Be Done! ron
Ah, Patricia, that is so comforting. It feels very good to finally have a lawyer I can trust to do the best he can for me - his job - not mine! Now, I can really surrender! Divine Will Be Done! ron
26 minutes ago · LikeUnlike.Patricia Arnold LOL! That's the same way I felt. The lawyer was a brilliant young man named Barack Obama. I instinctively trusted him-- and gave up the fight. Best decision I ever made.

ONE DEGREE OF SEPARATION FROM BARACK OBAMA- Patricia Arnold! (You have heard of 6 degrees of separation? - book and movie about it)

Patricia Arnold: My pleasure. He didn't give me the news I wanted to hear, but I trusted him. As a show of gratitude, when I saw that he was signing his new book, "Dreams from my Father," I rushed to our neighborhood bookstore to support him. Today I own a first edition hard copy signed by the young man who would become president of these United States--on his birthday!

Ron Alexander: Wow! Wow! Barack Obama! I luv it! This guy is no Barack Obama, but he had great memory with terrific dialogue skills. He really heard me and laid out some awesome possible scenarios for hopefully fruitful dialogues with my "trust" lawyer ...and the 'eviction"attprmeu who he knows and is pretty sure he can work with. So I can give up my confused thinking on how I was going to try to communicate with the two opposing attorneys! Byron Katy maintains that "confusion is the basis of suffering", and I believe that in addition to the "bargaining" part of grief where one questions incessantly "why me, why did they do that, why didn't I ?????????? on and on - along with anger one of the worsts parts of grief.
Patricia Arnold: Of course, the flip side of that is "Why not me?" It would be kinda cool if all of us could see the scripts we wrote when we, as immortal souls, entered these bodies. But then, life would be one big plot-stealer.

We simply have to remember...: 1) We're here for a purpose and 2) The physical body isn't us. It is merely the spacesuit we need to navigate this plane. 3) Nothing here happens TO us, it happens FOR us--something we always see clearly in hindsight.

As @Tom Nadeau indicated, these opportunities can strengthen you if you allow them. This experience is not about keeping or losing a house. It's merely a prop on Earth's stage--and there are many more. Nothing on this planet, not even a fight, lasts forever. You are mightily blessed, my friend, that your creative soul has designed this wonderful opportunity to learn more about yourself. You're being tossed in the air. Trust that the Divine will catch you.

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