Sunday, December 11, 2011

Eviction # 5 - My Ego Is Alive & Outraged

My ego is becoming more and more involved with the eviction "fight", & am grateful for it! (Gratefully "fighting")

It is becoming clearer and clearer that the family "trust" lawyer who wants me evicted just wants the property for the money. He stated, before I renovated, that he would just have this house torn down and sell the property. I asked him what for - "to pay for the defense lawyer, (and for yourself too? I asked and he nodded "yes").
He represents the elite this country, that has pretty much taken over. The rich (oligarchy), and they want to get richer and more powerful. Who are these power-grabbing elitists? 1%'s, Wall Street, bankers, republicans, tea party, corporations, "good ol' boy" lawyers, anti-tax forces (don't want to tax millionares or end bush's tax cuts yet they do want to end payroll tax cuts), hypocrites!

Well, it is time that the disappearing middle class join rank and realize we are the 99%, and start re-taking our power. The "Occupy" non-violent movement represents us!

Elizabeth May Sutor: HI -"grateful while fighting eviction". Can't wait to see this. HOW did this happen? My father and I used to have conversations in 1986(!!!)about how eventually there will be no more middle class, only the very wealthy and the poor. My father was so concerned about the direction in which this country was going. It completely eludes me how people can not see what is going on, can not be outraged, and how 99 percent are being controlled by 1 percent.

Your ego is part of the Plan. It’s OK that you have one. Every ego is fulfilled in Christ. That seems like it’s contrary to what you have been taught, but when you allow the Plan to be fulfilled then your ego becomes part of the Plan. Everyone has one—everyone has that limited point of view you call an ego—and every ego is essential to the fulfillment of Creation. So you can quit beating up on yourself for having one, and you can quit punishing yourself for it, or trying to make yourself pure enough, or good enough, or anything enough. It is not necessary for you to dispose of your ego in order to become enlightened and fulfilled, any more than it is necessary for you to dispose of any other body part before you become enlightened and fulfilled.

I was shocked when I was virtually left out of my Mom's will. It seems like my addicted & alcoholic nephew Barry (at funeral) had really smeared me, while I was renovating the beach house in N. Myrtle Beach. Being the only living son, I was expecting at least half, as I was Dad's "little co-alcholic". I was shocked when I was "shunned" at their Ruhamah Methodist church at her funeral. Now, the family "trust" lawyer is trying to evict me from this house in NMB, which I have renovated beautifully in past 7 years. He has control of all the family property, including my Aunt's property near the church in Starr on Lake Hartwell for 30 years - sickening and I am trying to get a lawyer, but no one so far, wants to touch a "trust lawyer.
Tell Your Dear Dad hello, and anything bad he has heard about me is slander, scapegoating and mostly untrue. I got my Counseling Masters Degree at Antioch in San Francisco in 1985. Practiced out there for 14 years and then came back here to help the family. Unfortunately, I was seen as "controlling" while I was the only one to take responsibility. My Aunt, Laura Jo, stuck with my nephew (on parole now) and believes everything he says. Her late husband dominated her, then my Mom and now my nephew. I was enabling him for years, now, the only person he has left is Aunt Laura Jo, who mistakenly thinks that it is my Mom's "wishes". I have a great new partner in Jeanne Ashley Porter from Columbia (not a strong coot anyway), and enjoy life otherwise. the Best of Holy Days and a Great New Year!
When do they want you out?

Well, according to the 30 day notice, it is supposed to be sometine around Christmas. It was dated Nov.16th & served on 22. I think it is because Barry wants to live down here, however he is on a parole that would not allow that, unless it is changed. The other reason the "trust" lawyer gave is "that they need money to pay for Barry's defense lawyer (& himself of course) -that they would tear down house & sell lot." I am sick with grief, and was just turned down by another lawyer. Thanks for your compassion. ron..

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