Thursday, December 22, 2011

God (Love) is Everywhere

Inside & outside - I have been reading about individuals who think that they have to do everything from within themselves - that there is no outside help. I do believe that both is true - inside Help & outside Help. God is everywhere!(Omniscient) Everpresent (Omnipresent) & All Powerful (Omnipotent)! Therefore: "Shower Thy grace upon us in the moment of our greatest need, protect us from ourselves, and allow us to a beacon of light rather than a dark cloud for the ambience that surrounds us. Only with Thy aid can we create that peace within and harmony with the outer environment, both natural and social, for which our souls yearn."Seyyed Hossein Nasr
from Talking to God: Portrait of a World at Prayer (anthology

Elizabeth May Sutor: Thank you. I get so frustrated reading about how we "don't have bodies", how "everything is an illusion". Bullcrap. God gave us bodies. God gave us life.God gave us this world and put us in it. I agree with you.

Kristiana Owens:
All fear stems from our need to control or understand that which cannot be predicted or assured. The second we fear, we have erected a dam against the flow of Love ~ Love, in each moment as eternity, simply IS. Our duty to self is to Surrender and Trust ♥ In doing so,we are Freed, Now ~*♥*~..

Love is letting go of fear. Jerry Jampolsky *ACIM

Lisa Gonzales:The Truth, by any other name is still The Truth.
One underlying factor that IS... at the center & heart of everything & nothing. There is nowhere that it is not. It is the Stillness from which everything flows. ((( ♥ )))
Teachers are all around you all the time... the tree, the flower, the breeze, the birds... any person that comes up into your awareness... then there are some that take their roles a bit more seriously & get degrees, certificates & charge money for their services. None is any more important than the other, what matters is the what you learn from them... therein lies the importance

Ron Alexander:
God is everywhere! Omnipresent, Omnipotent & Omniscient! All Powerful & All-knowing! Inside & Outside! Some on fb preach that all we need is internal. I agree, however to me, it helps to have teachers too! Thank you for your wise comment.

Lisa Gonzales:
Hello Ron, Yes... agreed. I think most of the ones that "preach that all we need is internal" are seeing things from the perspective that what is outside of us is a projection of what comes through us from inside... this is why turning inward is key. Seeing our conscious world like a wakeful dream & treating it as such... that everything outside of us is symbolic as dream images are. There is Truth in that. That's not to say that what they "preach" is fully understood by them, as many are just parroting what they have heard by other teachers (grasping a concept) or telling what they have experienced from their limited knowledge. Technically, we all are to some extent... until we rest in the ground of BEing that IS God... it's difficult to navigate through all the eons of stories & perspectives of others who have gone before us... it has become a labyrinth of lies peppered with truth.

Personally, i don't see Consciousness (which we are beneath all of this) as limited to mankind... i do feel that it was prior to man, "in the beginning" and will continue to be long after the existance of mankind. God's Consciousness, no matter the form, is not limitied to mankind, his heart or his mind... however, evil may be.

It is rare to find a really good "teacher", that is, one that could be depended upon for really good truths in human form. I have found very few that i resonate with most or all of the time... this resonance comes with a teacher when he/she speaks a Truth that you also have within (whether you are conscious of it or not)... like two things resonating at the same frequency that attract each other. There is only One Truth, but it may come in through many forms or flavors.... different wording, different stories or packaging... Yoda, Dr. Seuss, Winnie the Pooh, Buddha, Ramana, Jesus, the homeless guy on the corner... doesn't matter, if it's Truth, you will know it.

Am so glad to have found Bobby, he is definately a bright light in the darkness of this world & his light

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