Sunday, December 4, 2011

Does Happiness Come from Winning?

Last night, my team unexpectedly won, and they won big. I was very excited, delerious with "joy". I could not sleep my adrenalin was so high. My mind played the game over and over again. I was drunk with "happiness". Fantasizing sports victories was an important coping mechanism growing up in an abusive family. However, in meditation and prayer this morning, I came to a Peaceful Place inside that was much more pleasurable. It was a feeling of equanimity, security that comes with the connection of the Eternal Within, that is so much more preferable than the fantasy games. I don't want that Internal Eternal Peace disturbed whether my team wins or not.

Joy - Infinite & Eternal -
"Joy is the realization of our oneness, our soul's oneness with the supreme love." Rabindrath Tagore

"Joy is what happens to us when we
allow ourselves to recognize how
good things really are."
Marianne Williamson

Pleasure - short-lasting - ephemeral
- addictive

Joy - from Being
"Joy does not come from what you do, it flows into what you do and thus into this from deep within you." Eckhart Tolle

Lydia Porter: Happiness is fleeting, Joy is eternal. They are not same. I celabrate happiness when it comes and remember it as it goes. Joy is what I know when I pause to appreciate , it lasts as long as I continue to value my space in the universe.
Ron Alexander Great response Lydia.!
Ra Divakar: Here are winners: Some people have a wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder, and even ecstasy.
Abraham H. Maslow

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