Monday, December 5, 2011

All is a treasure - sweet & bitter! Need do Nothing?

~Thank the great Spirit within for all That life brings. All is a gift; the sweet As well as the bitter. All is for your Growth, freedom and celebration. Be happy. This is blessedness.~ - Mooji -..

em>We can only be said to be alive in those moments
when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.

Thornton Wilder (
Ra's add - And the best "treasures" are not things.

Ron Alexander: ‎"The best things in life are not things." anon(I think?)

I know these metaphors appear to be mixed, however I am confused right now on what to do in my life in a critical time. I am supposed to be evicted by my own family "trust" around Christmas time. I have been talking to lawyers, and they don't give me much hope except for a possible future suit against trust and other benefactor (who unjustly almost got everything).
Spiritually, probably the best "advice" "I need do nothing"!???Need do NO THING!

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