Monday, November 21, 2011

When Life Seems Challenging

When LIFE seems challenging it is always good to generalize. We have a tendency look specifically on the challenge when it doesn't seem to work, but when you lift your perspective it becomes easier to feel the JOY and happiness that brings you into the flow. Like this. If you are out of money state 'Generally I always have enough to eat'. If you have the flu state 'Generally I have a good health.' LIFE always feels easier when you generalize, and that good feeling help you create what you wish for.

Be happy. You are alive, you are breathing, you are feeling, you experience, you have food to nourish your body, and water to drink. You are educated to read and write, and you posses a computer or cellphone to be able to read this. There is so much to be grateful for, and when you feel gratitude, you are moving into the flow. See the miracles of LIFE around you. Be happy. You are LOVED.

Thank you gods and goddesses of LIGHT for blessing me with the ONEder of your precious version of me.

I LOVE you ♥♥♥
Bent Kim Lundberg

Happy Thanksgiving Bent! Though I know this is an American holiday, I feel like you celebrate it anyway! (everyday?) Ron

Bent Kim Lundbert: Thank you my divine friend ♥ Happy Thanksgiving ♥ You are right ♥ When you remember that any day is a holy day, all days become holy days, and as gratitude keep us in the flow..., I do remind myself every day to give thanks for all the miracles of LOVE that I am bestowed with in every moment ♥ And thank you for you that is ONE of them ♥ I LOVE you ♥♥♥

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