Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trusting Life (Or a substance?)

People who have faith in life are like
swimmers who entrust themselves to a
rushing river. They neither abandon
themselves to its current nor try to resist it.
Rather, they adjust their every movement
to the watercourse, use it with purpose and skill,
and enjoy the adventure.

David Steindl-Rast (

So much better (to me) than the allegory about jumping in the river and letting go - what if there is a waterfall or rapids not far ahead. I like the balance of "not abandoning yourself to the current or resisting it."
Mary Beijerinck: learning to trust Oneself & Trust Life.. I actually bought a stone for my Garden yesterday , upon it is etched 'Trust' .. learning that surrender is essential .. resistance is futile. Allowing & Accepting & trusting .. having the inner faith & belief that the Universe's tides will safely bring us ashore. I am a Gemini ... and know full well the incredible beauty found in many of life's paradoxes. Trust has been a difficult lesson for me to learn. I am still learning it. ..

Add: This describes kayaker, canoer, a rower,
or of sailor an engineless boat
. Ron

Similar to the quote about "sailboats are not meant to stay in the harbor", Jonathan Goldsmith ("the most interesting man..." says ‎"Most people are safe in their own world and don't experience the total spectrum of life. Life is like a parade most people are watching."

Ra Divakar: ‎"Watching the parade" by the Inner Observer is vital to understanding life also!
Mary Beijerinck: Ron & ra .. absolutely agree ... being both introspective & exospective (if that translates .. or put another way .. being both the swimmer & being able to observe oneself swimming at the same time.
Ron Alexander: Thanks so much Mary & Ra, being a Libra, balance is very important to me, and I AGREE both are "vital" to trusting life!

The habit of being happy
enables one to be freed,
or largely freed,
domination of
outside conditions.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Ra Divakar: Are not habits that create happiness, habits that create love?

Bob Sampron: Isn't this a fascinating statement from the man who wrote "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?" LOL. I came to the same conclusion in about 1996. Fascinating. It makes one wonder if this is a lesson/message imprinted on the soul.

Bob Sampron: Now that I think about it, that may be the whole point of the Dr. Jekyll story. He seeks his happiness from the outside, by taking the potion (something from outside) to make himself happy. Instead, it's the cause of all the troubles that ensue. Hmm.

Bob Sampron: He tries to internalize the external, with dire consequences.
Ron Alexander: Like an addict????

Could this be titled "Trust in Life (or in a substance?)

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