Sunday, November 6, 2011

If You Are Way Out There (or not), That is Where You Are Supposed to Be

Reader: Could you ask the Twelve Spirit group about the goal of human life here on earth?
The goal of human life on Earth is the same as the goal of life anywhere—it is the radiant expansion of the Universe, ever becoming more. You see, you must realize that you are already doing your intended purpose exactly right. You are here, in this physical focus, launching forth powerful intentions and desires, and the Universe is responding, first on a nonphysical energetic level, and then becoming the physical reality of your desire. The creation process begins the moment you think of it, and you are an essential part of the ongoing process of creation.
But you see, you need do nothing. There is no “should.” There is no “you must.” You are already doing what the Master Creator, All That Is, has intended; and you are doing it exactly right.
The whole idea of a goal for which you must strive is a very human one. It is physically oriented. When you tap into the creative force of the Universe striving is not necessary. The very idea that “you must strive” takes away your leverage. The Universe was already doing it for you, but you decided you needed to do it on your own. To leverage the creative power of the Universe you must think and act as one who has already been given that which you desire, not as one who has to “strive" for it.

Reader: Why would God co-create with me?
Because you are perfect. The farther you go out there on the leading edge of creation the more your Source adores you and longs to connect with you.
When you are creating more of the same (as already exists), all is well. When you are really extending yourself, stretching yourself to enter into a living vision of a world that could be, you are calling forth more power to you than ever before. When you deeply experience the contrast and launch new desires birthed of that contrast; it’s the same process you see, you are just using a longer lever.
If you have gone way out there with your life, that is the perfect place to be. And the Source of All Being is stretching out there to be with you, has become all that you desire. You can’t get it wrong. There is only allowing yourself to connect with Source wherever you are… or disallowing your connection with Source. And like the prodigal son who returns, your reunion with Source will be a joyous day indeed.
Twelve (

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