Monday, November 7, 2011

I feel therefore I Am

‎"Cogito ergo sum means 'I think, therefore I am' This old perception has made u...s believe that the mind is THE important part of being, in a degree so we try to create artificial intelligence via computational power. What is missing in this equation is the understanding that LIFE is a feeling, as LIFE means the same as LOVE and FREEDOM.

Hence it would be more correct to say 'Sentio ergo sum' which I believe means 'I feel, therefore I am'. When you remember that LIFE is a feeling it makes sense to listen to your heart and follow the JOY of it to make the best out of LIFE.

LIFE is not about thinking, but about feeling. When you experience the highest moments of being in NOW, it is your feelings that are important. You do not think how JOYFUL it feels to dance, and you do not think how exciting it feels to have an orgasm, and you do not think how marvelously thrilling it feels to jump in a parachute.

And when your breath is taken away by the divine display of Mother Earth miracles it is your feelings that take over, and also when you play JOYFULLY with others. When you hold a cat to your face, it is not your thoughts that make it amazing, but the feeling of closeness, LOVE and acceptance.

If LIFE doesn't feel JOYFUL it is always your thoughts about LIFE that is the culprit. You cannot live fully from your mind. You must get out of your mind to be fully in your heart. Change your mind and your feelings will follow. The immense power of LOVE inside you can rewrite any challenge into beautiful change. And you can always choose to feel happy no matter the outer circumstances.

Be happy. You are alive, you are breathing, you are feeling, you experience, you have food to nourish your body, and water to drink. You are educated to read and write, and you posses a computer or cellphone to be able to read this. There is so much to be grateful for, and when you feel gratitude, you are moving into the flow. See the miracles of LIFE around you. Be happy. You are LOVED.

Thank you gods and goddesses of LIGHT for blessing me with the amazing ONEder of your beautiful version of me.

I LOVE you
Bent Kim Lundberg

The photo is from a friendship gathering in Berlin where we met in ONENESS and played together creating a LOVE event on Alexander Platz. Our ONENESS is also something that must be felt.

Thank you for sharing this message. I think way to much and enjoy it to much. Life is not about thinking but about feeling. Life is a feeling. Love it. I'm feeling something NOW. Will practice this more:))) Love this Oneness pic. also. Feels like fun))).William McElveen

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