Thursday, November 24, 2011

I Am Most Grateful for - Meditation & Metta Prayer

Meditation has been the spiritual discipline to help me at stopping inner conflict.
"The purpose of spiritual discipline is to give us a way to stop the war, not by force, but organically, through understanding and gradual training.
When we let go of our battles and open our heart to things as they are, then we come to rest in the present moment. This is the beginning and the end of spiritual practice. Only in the moment can we discover that which is timeless. Only here can we find the love that we seek. Love in the past is simply memory, and love in the future is fantasy. Only in the reality of the present can we love, can we awaken,can we find peace and understanding and connection with ourselves and the world."

Jack Kornfield (A PATH WITH HEART)

Metta (Loving Kindness) Prayer has helped me open my heart:
May all beings be happy and free.
May all beings be filled with peace & at ease.
May all beings be filled with loving kindness.
May all beings be happy and free.

You Must Be Present to Love (sign at Las Vegas Casino - ("You must be present to win")

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