Sunday, October 9, 2011

What we need is a Spiritual Revolution

The Unity Minister quoted this AM, that "We don't need a political revolution - we need a spiritual revolution." He was preaching about "Quantum Thinking" - "Paradoxical Thinking" - including the opposite view. "A closed mind closes out all possibilites." God is not in a line, but all over the place." He spoke of the "importance of people" more important than "balancing the budget." However he admitted that was important too!
Well, I could not help but speak about (they generously allow dialogue in this church. So I responded that "let's don't throw the brain away from our thinking." "I am a long-time "pro-peace" guy, and that it is simple logic that we got away from a surplus by borrowing money to go into Afghanistan & Iraq, so the simple logic is that to balance our budget, we need to get out of those wars. What I did not add, was that there are people now (tea party repubs) trying to balance the budget off the backs of the poor, the sick, the elderly and our students. And that is a big part of the wall st. protests. Let's include the brain in our heart-felt pleas for peace. I have an open mind, so if you do not agree, lets dialogue...
Aum Shanti, ron

Ra Divakar: God is in the brain too!Rob Jackson I'd like to see a spiritual and intellectual "E" volution based on compassion, equality, and tolerance. Namaste' Cap'n Ron.Ron Alexander: The Middle Road as in Buddhism, right Rob!Rob Gonzalez: What is happening IS a spiritual revolution. It has to do with the awakening of mankind and there is more to come.Ron Alexander: Thanks Rob, your comment made my heart feel good and refreshed my brain!Rob Gonzalez: What is happening in the outer world is a direct reflection of what is happening within the hearts of humanity. (as above, so below) This is a huge evolutionary step for mankind. As a human collective we are realizing that we have more worth than what the greed of the world is allowing and this is world wide. So I think what we are witnessing is something much more than a socio-political event. If it were confined to just one country or group I would agree it is merely political but this is now a world wide event. People all over the world are waking up. What is significant to me is that though it has spiritual basis, it goes across religious boundaries. We are seeing the unification and Oneness of mankind emerge from the spiritual concept of Oneness....again as above, so below. Our inner spiritual connection is now and finally manifesting across boundaries. This is so significant. As humanity unifies I am truly hoping that it will bring us together as One people all sharing One God under different belief systems. Right now we are separate people sharing One God under different belief systems. I certainly wouldn't want to see one religion as that would remove important cultural issues that are important to any religion.

Rob Jackson: ‎"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." ~ Albert Einstein
Nancy Odle: The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Mark Twain Alot more of that going on than most people realize, unfortunately. Most people would rather turn a blind eye than try to stick up for those being hurt...

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