Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Valuable Meditation Advice Creativity Lessening Fears

When you practice meditation you are listening to the still small voice of God guiding and directing you with inspirations, pictures and feelings to manifest in your life. Many times we receive these inspirations and intuition and we ignore them or discard them as being unattainable. They are there in your thoughts for a reason. Trust in the Divine to guide you to actualize your individual purpose. This doesn't mean that you don't make a plan and try to carry it out step by step. It means that you work your plan but keep it flexible enough to make the corrections that God will give you. Walk the path, read the environment and listen for guidance. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Fear of 'principalities' when in meditation blocks the creative flow and distracts one from the bliss and joy of Oneness. Trusting in the Divine requires faith in its presence which eliminates fear and initiates the process of complete creative fulfillment. Focus on the devil and he will be real to you. Focus on the Divine and the cornucopia of an abundant life replete with prosperity will abound! ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

I have a hard time with the "No Fear" images, as I think we (at least me) will always have some fear realistically. Fear serves a survival purpose, helping one to be safe for oneself and for others. I think that "lessening" unreasonable fear is an excellent attitude, and better yet being aware of the fear and not letting it stop you is the best mindset.
When I dare to be powerful --
to use my strength
in the service of my vision,
then it becomes less and less
important whether I am afraid.
Audre Lorde

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