Sunday, October 16, 2011

Unexpected vs. Expected Joys - My Boat Won!

Talk about the joys of the unexpected,
can they compare with the joys of the expected,
of finding everything delightfully and
completely what you knew it was going to be?
Elizabeth Bibesco

Yesterday, as a continuation of my birthday, I attended a wooden boat show in Georgetown, S. C. with the intention of finding a small skiff as a gift to myself.
I enjoyed looking around the smaller boats and speaking with the builders. However, even more, I enjoyed dialoging with the captains on the larger boats docked on the waterfront. Old sailors like good seagoing tales.
After not being able to buy the beautiful varnished skiffs I wanted - the most handsome boats are priceless to their owners after they had spent so many hours renovating them to fine shine and delicate details. I went into the boatbuilding area where boat builder are given materials to build their skiff in 4 hours time, and then race against each other. Observing them, I noticed a good-looking couple finishing up their "Carolina Bateau" in three hours. Talking to them I found out this was the second boat building and they were from my former scenic homeport also historic Beaufort, N. C. So I had alot to talk with them about. I asked them what they planned to do with the bateau, and they told me that they had already finished the first boat, and it was at home, and so they wanted to sell it. After receiving a good price, I paid them automatically becoming a part of their crew. I helped them carry it across the street to the harbor (Winyah Bay) through the crowded wharf - so crowded that it was hard to get the boat through. Then I got to photograph the race with about 15 boats competing. My boat was built by "Chaos Team" - the gracious builders Lora & Vic. They had to take turn rowing and they both turned out to be very strong rowers. Lora was a big fan favorite as she was the best out of only two females rowing out of 30 builders. I got to help move the boats around as there were 2 heats with only room for 3 boats at a time. When it came to the last heat, Vic & Lora were in second place and in a thrilling finish, the other boat hit the dock first, and I had thought they had won. However, I found out the one to first touch the dock with their hand was the winner, and I had not watched for that, and neither did Vic & Lora. We knew it was a 1 or 2 second difference whoever won. So I proudly helped them carry their boat amongst the crowd back to their truck. Then we went back to the tent to the congratulations of the judges and fans that they had won! - My boat won! However, I rejected their "Chaos" name, as I do not plan to race but to enjoy peace in nature rowing it in the beautiful creeks, rivers, harbors of this coastal area. I think I will call the Bateau "Serenity".
Talking about "unexpected joys" - that was yesterday a gift to myself for my 67th birthday!

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