Saturday, October 29, 2011

Giving? How Much?

Guest: How can I uplift my friends by sharing Spirit?

Uplifting others is really a very good way to spend your time that will reward you very well for your efforts. You cannot give something that you don't have, and you cannot have something that you don't believe you have. So in order to give something you must first believe that you have it, and you must believe that you have it in abundance. You must believe that your personal supply of what you are giving will be undiminished by your giving of it.

We are pretty sure that most of you have had the experience of going to cheer up a friend who's down in the dumps, and finding yourself dragged down by your efforts. You cannot match your vibration to the vibration of the one you wish to help and be of effectiveness. When you assist them, you should get in and out of there as quickly as need be. The longer you stay the more likely you are to be pulled in, just to be agreeable. And you can't help them by agreeing with them.

Remember, they too are powerful creators calling forth the Source Energy of the Universe into the forms they hold in imagination. Always acknowledge their power first before you enter. This will serve to protect you, and to empower them. They created it, they can uncreate it by building something else, something new, something better.

Your vibration has to be stronger than all the other vibrations in the room, and if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Our point is don't ever sacrifice your vibration to raise that of another.

‎"Your vibration has to be stronger than all the other vibrations in the room, and if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Our point is don't ever sacrifice your vibration to raise that of another."
Jeanne Porter Ashley: There is no limitation in vibrations, all is oneness and if we are not here to share and lift each other up -- one day A is up and B is down, next day B is up and A is down -- to form a loving balance of tribe and family -- then why are we here?
To me it speaks if dependence/co-dependence issues - dragging each other down with neediness! Wholeness/independence leads to a healthy inter-dependent relationship - helping without sacrificing one's integrity!

Give without needing anything in return. Neediness is a relationship-killer!
Jeanne Porter Ashley: A loving balance does not keep score of giving and receiving -- it is all love. And, makes for a beautiful limitless existence.
Ron Alexander: Right Jeanne, BALANCE is the key! Me being a Libra accentuates that - two independent Beings feeling whole and well together without dependence!
Relationships that are out of balance, means that the one who feels they are giving more and receiving less, needs to look at their own issues sometimes of being able to give and not to receive and/or may need to operate with stronger boundaries and tougher love!
Rob Jackson: From what I read I see it thus: Think of it in the same context as donating blood. You can only give so much without hurting yourself. You can give again another day; but there again, only so much. You can give a kidney, but one. Or a person who devotes all their time and effort into their work/job; after a while it consumes them and the rest of their life suffers. You leave work and drive straight through to Washington to see a friend. When you arrive you are exhausted and you "crash." You have to sleep and replenish yourself. Same thing with your personal energies/vibrations, you can only give so much without draining yourself.

Carol Boyles: It is telling you to be yourself. Do not be afraid to walk to the beat of a different drum. Being sure of yourself and not needing anyones approval to be yourself. What every bullied child needs to know

Rob Jackson: As far as relationships; there is an old saying that the one who loves the least, controls the relationship. This disgusts me. A relationship, in the big picture, must be a balance, a 50/50 proposition. You can not love and support a healthy, lasting relationship with out being able to love yourself first. When you don't, these are the times when (I believe) issues of dependency/codependency come into

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