Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Everything is Occuring Exactly as It is Supposed to Be

Catherine Love

The Universe supplies you with everything you need today and all of your tomorrows too! There is enough for everyone, there is no need to hurry or force things to happen. Everything is occurring exactly as it should be.

Trust your inner wisdom and you will always know what to do, take action exactly when the time feels right for you. You are not on anyone's timetable but your own. You might feel an urging in promptings from spirit, as these are often the signs the angels will send to you, signaling for you to go forward now. Heed those feelings and trust in them, even on little resource, the universe will always sustain you.

Affirm often: "I have the infinite supply of the Universe available to me now"

Ra Divakar: Is this just "pablum" for the poor?
Ron Alexander: Interesting thought, Ra - in this age of income inequality - "...This was an indication that something was amiss in the mechanism that distributes income to different members of society. Workers were helping to increase the size of the pie, but income did not trickle down, and their share of the pie was no larger than before..."

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