Thursday, September 1, 2011

With Love, I Walk in Gratitude (Love in Action)

"Today I walk with love in gratitude" - first morning in months, water in ocean was warmer (70+) than air temperature (62) - luv this early fall weather here in S. C. lotsappreciation, ron

That photo was back in the late 60's- Boy, was I skinny back then. Interestingly, I have a much better self-image now many years and pounds later. That is my dear cousin Ginger with me (she's still thin) and a pet that looks much like present-day Lil!

Love in Action (thanks to Jackie Boyce)

Like humanity, creation and the universe, love is a force of incomprehensible
magnitude, choreographing the many details of our lives.

...Love is simple, but often requires painstaking effort.
Love costs no money, but may demand that we make large investments of ourselves.
Love might wound for a lifetime, but is also the bearer of our most enduring joys.
Who can understand the intelligence of the heart?

Think of the people you know who have already mastered the secrets to open-hearted living.
They are delightful human beings who radiate joy, peace,
wisdom and harmony, and we all want to be around them.

You will know them by the calm they instill and the non-judgmental respect
they extend to each person, regardless of personal differences.
You feel welcomed, loved and accepted in their presence.
They are rare and precious people in our lives.

My own prayer is to grow to be more like them,
so that I too can be a bringer of hope and joy to those I meet on the path

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