Friday, September 16, 2011

Meditating on Emptiness, No thingness - The Void

"This room is rather bare", I said. (Andrew Harvey is talking to Drukchen Rinpoche, a Tibetan Buddhist Monk, about his room in a monastery in A JOURNEY IN LADAKH)

"I like it that way. There are many tankas and paintings in the monastery, and I suppose I could have some of them placed up here if I wanted them - but I prefer bare walls. It is good to meditate before a bare wall. You can do many different meditations. You can meditate on Emptiness...Or you can meditate on the small patches of different color in the walls, the seas and the faces in the plaster, and then you would be meditating on the variety of phenomenona that arise from the Void. You can also meditate on seeing the wall as transparent, on imagining it as having no substance - this is very hard, but it is useful because it teaches you not to believe your senses, not to trust your materialist understanding of things. Once you have learned how to discipline your perception you can change reality, your experience of reality."
The Rinpoche continues:
..."Listen to the Law. Listen to the Law that says all things are transient, all things are the moving, and dissolving figures of a dream."
I always thoughts that "no - thing - ness, the Void, Emptiness" was a nihilistic belief, however now meditating Buddhas' Vipassana way, I realize that this is the same as "Stillness" as depicted by Eckhart Tolle. It is a place of vibrantly alive blissful peace (beyond understanding) and the realization of Oneness, peace&Happiness, ron
Loving Unity: It is the FULLNESS...contains all of reality in marvelous forms of light, but not of matter, of Spirit I AM.
Anatoly Petrenko: A wonderful pointer to practice of being aware in the moment. Being aware without constructing reality and "self" that arises in relationship to an artifact of "reality".
There's an opportunity to release this grasping and abide in the ground nature of mind — Dzogchen rigpa, going about everyday life and being an illusory type of person. Not deluded but free from attachment to illusory, non-existent idea of self — ego, void of conceptual limits yet guided by wisdom of ethics.
The outcome of such breakthrough is a profound happiness independent from any external object, an experience of transformative vipassana insight.
I think Ron used the term Oneness here very skillfully.
Ah, Ah, Ah!
Ra Divakar: Loving Unity (Yes I do), I really like "Light, but not of matter". The Dalia Lama (he loves science) in THE UNIVERSE IN A SINGLE ATOM calls it Space/Spirit & that a single atom contains as much Space as the Universe in terms of relativity. That means we are made up of 99.9% Light Peace Spirit! Isn't it WONDER FULL!? Thanks again for your WISDOM, Anatoly.
Ron Alexander !
‎"Light, Spirit, Source, Stillness, Peace, Love" are all great words for the Space that Buddha called "Emptiness"! thanks
.Jeanne Porter Ashley: ‎"We are made of star stuff" Dan Dexter, from Cosmic Spirituality

Awesome = "star stuff in Space" - scientifcally proven I am surel..thanksl!

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